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About Us

Local development
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Who We Are

Cavan County Local Development (CCLD) is a trading name for Breffni Integrated CLG. CCLD is a community led Local Development Company. The company delivers a range of rural, social, community and economic programmes at a local level across County Cavan including SICAP, LEADER, TUS and the RSS. The organisation supports communities, individuals, and businesses to increase their economic sustainability, combat climate change, tackle social exclusion, combat poverty and improve their quality of life.


The supports provided include capital grant aid, technical assistance, guidance and mentoring, information and support, training opportunities and development initiatives. Cavan County Local Development adopts a partnership approach to its work partnering with communities, local agencies, statutory organisations and the social partners to bring about positive change for county Cavan.


CHY: 18989

Board Membership / Directorship

The Board of Breffni Integrated CLG (Cavan County Local Development) is drawn from the social partners, state agencies, local government and the community sector and focuses on the delivery and implementation of programmes for Government Departments, the Local Authority and the Cavan Local Community Development Committee.


Board members are required to become a company director of Breffni Integrated CLG, a company limited by guarantee operating under company law. The position of Director of Breffni Integrated CLG is a voluntary role however the Board has an important role in defining and establishing the strategic direction of the organisation ensuring it is undertaking work to achieve its vision and mission.


Mission Statement

Breffni Integrated Company Limited by Guarantee (CLG) T/A Cavan County Local Development aims through community, personal, rural and economic development actions to provide an effective and coordinated response to combat social exclusion and disadvantage in Co. Cavan.


The company seeks to contribute effectively to the provision of community, education, training, employment and enterprise opportunities as well as the development of support services within the county.


The goal is to develop sustainable communities throughout County Cavan, through enhancing the social, natural, human, physical and financial resources available to individuals and communities and thereby contributing to the LECP objective of making Cavan a place that we can be proud of, a place where people can have a good quality of life; a better place to live work and to enjoy. 


Child Safeguarding Statement

Vision Statement


Cavan County Local Development Looks forward to playing a key role in the inclusion of County Cavan’s most disadvantaged individuals and communities in the development of their county through promoting the greater access to and take up of services, enhanced learning, greater involvement in economic life and the development of an enhanced voice in the area of policy.


Vision for Rural Development Programme


To develop sustainable rural communities throughout County Cavan, through the provision of a programme that will enhance the social, natural, human, physical and financial resources available to individuals and communities and thereby make Cavan 2020 a place that we can be proud of a place where people can have a good quality of life; a better place to live work and to enjoy.



Values Statement


Engagement, positive targeting, focusing on the most disadvantaged, commitment to inclusion for positive change in the lives of people putting people first and ensuring that the organisation exists to serve the needs of the target groups of the programme are for Cavan County Local Development the key values.

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​​​​Main Object of the Organisation


The main object for which the company is established is to promote, support, assist and engage in (a) social development, (b) enterprise development to facilitate rural and urban regeneration or (c) community development, designed to benefit and promote the welfare of local communities or to deal with the causes and consequences of social and economic disadvantage or poverty.


The following objects set out hereafter are exclusively subsidiary and ancillary to the main object set out above and these objects are to be used only for the attainment of that main abject and any Income generated therefore Is to be applied for the main object only.



  1. To promote social inclusion through community initiatives and through inputting as required into policy formulation at the local and national levels;

  2. To promote economic development and to increase employment and enterprise, including and in particular through the provision of education and training and to input as required into policy formulation at the local and national levels;

  3. To promote wider participation in voluntary activity and to promote the networking of community and voluntary organisations;

  4. To provide local community rural development and or local community urban development through community initiatives for social, economic and cultural renewal;

  5. To promote social incIusion, to promote economic development, to Increase employment and enterprise, including and in particular through the provision of education and training and promote wider participation in voluntary activity;

  6. To provide support through initiatives involving the allocation of grant monies;

  7. To have regard to the strategic objectives as set out in the National Rural Development Programme and or the Local Development Social Inclusion Programme and such other extending or replacing Programmes as may from time to time be adopted by the Government of Ireland;

  8. To work as a non-exclusive development agency in conjunction and liaison with State agencies, structures and local authorities in seeking to achieve its objectives;

  9. To adopt a cohesive approach with other national and local agencies, to ensure an integrated approach to service delivery at local level;

  10. To support the development of resource based activities including business, tourism and forestry;

  11. To promote equality of opportunity in the assessment of applications for aid; and

  12. To promote, support, assist and engage In activities in support of the development of infrastructure.


Audited Accounts

View 2023 Accounts Here



“The Social Inclusion and Community Activation Programme (SICAP) is co-funded by the Irish Government, through the Department of Rural and Community Development, and the European Union through the European Social Fund Plus under the Employment, Inclusion, Skills and Training (EIST) Programme 2021- 2027.”

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