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Inside Greenhouse

Apply to participate on the RSS

Local development
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The RSS provides an opportunity for members of the farming community to contribute to the development of their local communities. With the many many issues undermining the sustainability of rural areas, the scheme provides a mechanism for local groups to harness the enormous amount of skills and knowledge available within their localities. â€‹

In order to participate on the scheme, applicants must be between 25 and 66 years or over and be in receipt of:

  • Farm Assist



If  are actively farming, may qualify for the scheme if in receipt of one of the following payments:

Note that since 1 January 2016, Jobseeker's Benefit (if you had previously been on Community Employment or the Rural Social Scheme within the last 12 months) is no longer a qualifying payment for RSS. If you are getting JB you can apply for Farm Assist or Jobseeker's Allowance, which are qualifying payments for RSS.


Interested members of farm households that wish to make an application to the scheme should contact Breffni Integrated CLG and a relevant member of staff will work with them to make an application.


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