Breffni Integrated CLG are organising a series of four ‘Introduction to Biodiversity Training’ courses in four different community venues throughout county Cavan. We were delighted with the response to our biodiversity training needs survey which was undertaken over the last two weeks. Following the these responses, we have identified the locations for the first two of our planned four biodiversity training courses. Each course will be run over 8 weeks in the evenings and will be based in the following community centres;
Planned training course dates and venues:
Wednesday 24 April to 12 June 2019, 6.30 – 9.00pm, Virginia Show Centre, Virginia
Thursday 25 April to 13 June 2019, 6.30 – 9.00pm, Killeshandra Resource Centre, Market Avenue, Killeshandra
The overall objectives of this introduction to biodiversity training is to;
Encourage a greater awareness and understanding of what biodiversity is
Facilitate practical/hands-on application of biodiversity measures
Provide support to local community groups to develop a biodiversity plant for their own local area
Inspire the confidence and knowledge required to apply for funding to undertake local biodiversity projects
Biodiversity Course Programme:
An Introduction to Ecology and Biodiversity
Learn about the fundamentals of ecology (complex interactions between organisms and their environment) and biodiversity (the diversity of life on earth- Nature) from a professional ecologist.
Local Flora and Fauna
Discover more about the wonderful animals and plants on your doorstep. Get to grips with their life-cycles, habitat preferences, the threats they face and how you can help conserve them. Find out more about your local nature hot-spots.
How to Develop a Local Biodiversity Action Plan
Receive guidance and support on how to develop your own Local Biodiversity Action Plan. Attendees will be provided with a sample biodiversity action plan template outlining how to structure a local biodiversity action plan, and lots of interesting references on land management, biodiversity, and conservation to assist you with your own plan. This module will include group break-out sessions aimed at exploring ideas for individual biodiversity action plans.
Land Management for Pollinating Insects
Find out about the fascinating ecology of our native pollinating insects, the importance of pollination for wild plants and agricultural crops, and how to enhance your local green-spaces in order to provide them with the forage and shelter they require. Receive guidance on wildflower meadow creation, hedgerow management, and orchard management for pollinators and much more.
How to Reduce our Waste Production and Live More Sustainably
Explore simple life-hack solutions on how to minimise waste production and practice sustainability in all aspects of our lives. It is clear now more than ever before that our wasteful mis-use of resources is putting massive pressure on biodiversity. Learn how to ‘think global-act local’ to turn the tide on waste production by refusing, reducing, reusing and recycling single-use items.
Protecting our Waterways
Cavan is a land of stunning lakes and wetlands. Discover how to protect these precious waterways so that local people and wildlife can thrive side-by-side. Find out more about what amazing creatures lurk below, and how to protect our wetlands and their inhabitants for key threats such as pollution, and invasive alien species.
Gardening for Wildlife
Learn how to manage your garden to create a haven for wildlife. Whether you have a small window container, or a much larger space, there is always something you can do to encourage wildlife to your land. This module will cover lawn management, pesticide use, planting advice and more.
Field Trip
Attend a one-day practical field trip. Visit a successful local environmental project and learn practical techniques on how to manage local sites for biodiversity based on the experience of others in your local area
Places are limited and priority will be given to those who have confirmed their booking and selected their preferred venue. To book your place on this free biodiversity training please contact course leader Aoife O’Rourke via Email: aorourke@scottcawley.com or Telephone: 01-2530890. An additional two courses will run in Autumn 2019 in two different venues across Cavan, so if you are unavailable for the April-June training, there is no need to miss out- book onto one of our Autumn courses! Scott Cawley Limited (Ecological Consultants) were selected by Cavan LEADER programme to coordinate/deliver this series biodiversity training courses.
Further information on the LEADER Programme is available here on our website or contact Breffni Integrated CLG., LEADER Section at (049) 4331029 – opt 3, Email: leader@breffniint.ie
We would like to acknowledge the assistance of County Cavan Local Community Development Committee (LCDC), Cavan County Council, Breffni Integrated CLG, Department of Rural and Community Development, the EU and EAFRD in funding this project. FUNDED BY THE IRISH GOVERNMENT UNDER THE LEADER PROGRAMME 2014-2020.