On Friday 17 November '23 Heather Humphreys T.D. Minister for Rural and Community Development launched this study to an audience of elected representatives and climate/environmental activists in the Cavan Crystal Hotel. This study examines the viability of a Climate Action Hub in Cavan to help promote sustainable development and climate action in the county. The study emphasises the importance of Cavan County Local Development (CCLD) taking the lead in the startup process, programme management, administrative tasks, and financial sustainability. Additionally, involving the Cavan Volunteer Centre and fostering new corporate social responsibility volunteer initiatives are key.
CCLD currently delivers a number of programmes which are engaged with supporting communities and individuals to reduce their carbon footprint. These include the Domestic Home Energy Retrofit advisor services programme, the Sustainable Energy Communities and the Circular Economy programme (Redo Like New Project) to name but a few.
This study presents a plan for establishing a Climate Action Hub that acts as a centre point for current projects by CCLD. It suggests consolidating existing programmes under a climate action framework while also exploring new projects involving new climate action stakeholders from both sides of the border. CCLD are currently seeking funding support along with a partner in Northern Ireland to initially employ staff to coordinate activities of the proposed Climate Action Hub.
The study was undertaken with support from the LEADER programme and match funds provided by CCLD. Gavin Harte of ESD Training was the consultant who undertook the task of public consultation, meeting stakeholders and completing the study with support from a local stakeholders group. The full 'Cavan Climate Action Hub' feasibility study can be downloaded from the link below.