Start Your Own Business

Looking to start your own business?
At Cavan County Local Development we can help you turn that dream into a reality!
If you are currently unemployed and on the Live Register and would like to become self-employed then CCLD is the right agency to help you achieve that dream. There are many services that we provide to our clients to help them obtain the necessary skills in running a successful business. These include:
Mentoring: One to one meetings with the enterprise officer who can answer your questions and help you overcome any fears and obstacles during the pre-enterprise start up stage.
Training Courses: We offer a number of training courses from Start Your Own Business training courses to Basic Book Keeping training.
The Back to Work Enterprise Allowance
A special scheme exists for those who are considered long term unemployed or fall under the term social exclusion. This scheme entitles those eligible to keep a portion of their Social Welfare payments on a gradually reducing scale over two years while also being self employed. To be eligible one must be in receipt of a Job Seekers payments for 9 months or be in receipt of one of the following payments for at least 12 months:
One – Parent Family Payment
Disability Allowance
Blind Pension
Farm Assist
Unemployability Supplement
Pre-Retirement Allowance
Invalidity Pension
Carers Allowance
Widows or Widowers Allowance
Deserted Wife’s Benefit
Prisoners Wife’s Allowance.
A shorter scheme also exists for those who are on Job Seekers Benefit have been made redundant or have 104 contributions made.
Periods spent on FAS, CE, VTOS, Social Economy Programme, JI, Failte Ireland, Back to Education Scheme, Teagasc or FIT is accepted as a period of unemployment.
Furthermore, you may also be entitled to keep your entire secondary benefits e.g. medical card, mortgage supplement, back to school allowance etc.
To find out more please contact the following:
Elaine McGrath, Enterprise Officers,
(049) 4331029 or emcgrath@ccld.ie